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Exhibition reflection 2

Now we are in the finding out stage and it is annoying because it was hard when google gave you stuff that was not closely related and you can’t find what your looking for so you have to do more research than I think I should have had to do. And it didn’t help that the deadline was the end of the week and I was getting a bit stressed out. I have a lot of info for one of my questions and a decent amount for the other questions and I am calmer.

100 word challenge.

We are going to a planet far far away from are home planet. “We’re here” said my partner “but I can’t get a good look at it because the glass has fogged up.” “I’m going to explore” I said “Right behind you” my partner replies. “Yuck it’s a swamp planet” I say “there’s something about the place that gives me the creeps” my partner said “ahhhhhhhh” we hear from behind us we turn around and see a pumpkin army. stumbling and moaning like zombies we run back to the ship and getting ready to launch the ship into space. “Aahhhhhh.”

But It’s the wrong colour

“Wear this” said mum “but it’s the wrong colour” I reply hurriedly. I really just wanted to get my Mum out of the room so I could get changed. “But it’s the only school shirt I could find where have they all gone” mum said “Hmmmmmmm could you get out of my room so I can get changed” I said worried I let something slip. “Okay” my mum said. No point hiding the clothes now I thought as I got changed. “I’m sorry mum I should not have hidden the clothes” I said “its okey dokey” My mum said. “Yay.”